CSS_DUST20 (Bomb/Defuse)
by Tatu Eugen - www.temaps.com
*** GVME.org exclusive ***

Most iconic map from Counter-Strike: Dust II is now back
with a new remake by Tatu Eugen, the map was designed to
be simple and balanced. This is a remake from css_dust2_go
this map have a lot of improvments:

- More brightness all over the map
- New type of details
- Almost last changes from CS:GO map
- Map optimized by 40%
- No dark textures/lights anymore
- This map marks the 20th birthday of CS

Any ideas and bugs please report at mail adress:

Counter-Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists
from bombing chemical weapon crates.
Team members must defuse any bombs 
that threaten targeted areas.

Terrorists: The Terrorist carrying the
C4 must destroy one of the chemical 
weapon stashes. 

Other Notes: There are 2 chemical 
weapon stashes in the mission.

Valve (CS:S Game)
Tatu Eugen

Original Dust2 Author:
DaveJ (http://www.johnsto.co.uk/)

Current version 1.1
- New barrel textures
- New textures
- Performance improved
- Lights improved in CT/Tunnels
- Lower space betwen wall and crate in X2
- Lighter texture for tunnel doors
- X2 Window crate improved for one jump only
- Lighter walls in tunnel for most common positions
- Some small fixes

First version 1.0
- Initial release